Summer University 2018


Wednesday, 11.07.2018: Arrival Day

Opening: (18.00 – 20:00)

Welcome speeches from Mirko Messner (Chairman of the Communist Party Austria) and Gregor Gysi (President of the European Left)

Inauguration: In memory of Elisabeth Gauthier: Austrian French Woman and Citizen of the World

Presentation of a text with comments by Chantal Delmas (PCF) and Barbara Steiner (transform!europe)

Concert: Aron Quartet


Open space for workshop ideas and first meeting for organizing “youth track”

This year’s Summer University will introduce a new element: A special program for young European left-ists! This special feature will be organised by the young people themselves. The idea is to acknowledge the specific interests and approaches of young people to the daily focus and offer them the appropriate space for self-organised workshops and share with all others the plenaries, seminars and the evening events.

Dinner (20:00)

Thursday, 12.07.2018: “Europe’s Role in a Globalized World”

Plenary 1 (10.00 – 11.45):

Marxism/Feminism – Today
Gregor Gysi (European Left President),
Gabriele Michalitsch (University of Vienna)
Moderation: Barbara Steiner (transform!europe)

Seminars (12.00 – 14.00):

a) Europe and Mediterranean basin
Natasa Theodorakopoulou (SYRIZA, Greece)
Vera Polycarpou (AKEL) (TBC)
N.N Communist Party of Lebanon (TBC)
Moderation: Roberto Morea (transform!europe)

b) Resisting NATO expansion and aggression
Ina Shupac (Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova)
Volodymir Ishchenko (Center of Social Research, Kiev)
Erhard Chrome (RLF Berlin)
Moderation: Claudia Krieglsteiner (KPÖ, Austria)

c) Resisting the new round of arms race and cold war in Europe
Claudia Haydt (Die Linke, Germany)
Maite Mola (Vice-President of the EL)
Antero Eerola (Left Alliance, Finland) (TBC)
Moderation: Attila Vajnai (Workers’ Party of Hungary 2006)

d) The Times Are A-Changing: 68/69 in US, France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia and UK
Introduction by PCF (France) (TBC)
Short intervention of 7-8 minutes: Inger V. Johansen (RGA, Denmark),
Tatiana Moutinho (cult:tra, transform!europe, Portugal),
Franco Russo (Italy), Makis Kavouriaris (Greece)
Moderation: transform!europe (TBC)

e) Workshop: Youth focus: What can Marxism tell us about globalisation?
Max Shanly (the Labour Party and Momentum)

Lunch break (14.00 – 16.00)

Plenary 2 (16.00 – 18.00):

Elements of an Alternative Concept vis-à-vis the Militarisation of the European Union
Dagmar Enkelmann, (RLF),
Maite Mola (EL Vice President),
Moderation : Laurent Perea (PCF, France) (TBC)

Evening Event and dinner (20.00):

Music and solidarity with the Left forces in Latin America

Friday, 13.07.2018: Social Justice: A European Concept of Economic, Ecological and Social Convergence

Plenary 3 (10.00 – 11.45):

“Towards a European Plan for Economic, Social and Ecological Recovery”
Rosalía Martin Escobar (Member of the permanent of the Federal Working group on Women of IU, Spain)
Guillaume Balas (MEP S&D, Générations) (TBC)
Giorgos Katrougalos (Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Greece)
Luka Mesec (Levica, Slovenia)
Moderation: Paolo Ferrero (EL Vice President)

Seminars (12.00 – 14.00):

a) Different Scenarios of the Future of the Monetary Union
Kenneth Haar (CEO)
Marika Frangakis (SYRIZA, Greece)
Steffen Lehndorff (University of Duisburg, Germany)
Moderation: N.N (TBC)

b) A radical agenda for social and gender appropriate energy transition.
Manuela Kropp (assistant MEP, Die Linke)
Gitte Pedersen (RGA, Denmark)
Pablo Torija (Podemos, Spain)
Moderation: Jean Claude Simon (transform!europe)

c) Workshop: Youth focus: The Rise of the Far-Right in Europe: how we experience it

Lunch break (14.00 – 16.00):

Seminars/Workshops (16.00 – 18.00):

d) Europe, China and the New Silk Road
Josef Baum, (transform!europe)
Giorgos Katrougalos (Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Greece)
Moderation: Marga Ferré (Spain)

e) “The Simple That Is Hard To Achieve”: 68/69: CSSR, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland
Gáspár Miklós Tamás (Philosopher, Former member of the Academy of Science, Hungary),
Jiří Hudeček (SDS, Czech Republic)
Filip Balunivic (Political Scientist, Serbia)
Moderation: Waltraud Fritz (KPÖ, Austria)
Different City tours offered (15.00 – 18.00)

Dinner at Brick 5 (Entry 18.00)

19:00 Performance
inspired by Bertolt Brechts FLÜCHTLINGSGESPRÄCHEN („refugee talks“, 1940) with Eva Brenner & Team from FLEISCHEREI_mobil (german with english introduction)

19.30 Dinner

20:30 Viennese Music

Saturday, 14.07.2018: Appropriation, Participation and Democracy

Plenary 4 (10.00 – 11.45):

“Can we re-appropriate Europe as a Common?” – How to re-appropriate Europe as one Dimension of Initiatives to reclaim a Social Justice, Ecological Sustainability and Democracy
Mariana Mortagua (MP, Bloco de Esquerda, Portugal), TBC
Italian speaker (TBC)
Ernest Urtasun (MEP, Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds) (TBC)
Walter Baier (transform!europe)
Moderation: Marga Ferré (Spain)

Seminars (12.00 – 14.00)

a) Right wing populism and the far Right in Europe
Antoine de Cabanes (transform!europe, Espace Marx, France)
Gabriele Michalitsch (University of Vienna)
Joanna Gwiazdecka (RLF of Prague, Poland)
Joseph Healy (Left Unity, UK)
Moderation: Roberto Musacchio (Alta Europa con Tsipras, Italy)

b) A Dialogue among the Left about different Strategies: Nations, States and democracy
Christine Kaindl (Die Linke, Germany) (TBC)
Makis Kavouriaris (Greece) (TBC)
Ernest Urtasun (MEP, Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds) (TBC)
Moderation: Andreas Günther (RLF, New York)

c) A Dialogue among the Left — Which are the agents and our allies of the Change? (Social movements, Parties, Social democracy)
Conny Hildebrandt (RLF Berlin, transform!europe)
Waltraud Fritz (KPÖ, Austria)
Federico Severino (Instituto 25M, Spain)
Moderation: Angelina Giannopoulou (transform!europe, NPI)

Lunch break (14.00 – 16.00)

Seminars/Workshops (16.00 – 18.00)

d) “Under the pavement lies the beach” 68/69: The Awakening of a New Feminism in the aftermath of 68
Heidi Ambrosch (transform!europe)
Spanish feminist (TBC)
Rosa Rinaldi (Rifondazione Comunista, Italy)
Moderation: Gitte Pedersen (RGA, Denmark)

e) Transformation processes and Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Eastern Europe
Veronika Susova Salminen (Finland / Czech Republic)
Moderation: Dagmar Svendova (transform!europe)

f) Workshop: Youth focus: Authoritarian turn in Europe: Where is democracy heading?

Closing Event (18.30)

Sunday, 15.07.2018: Departure Day

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