Summer University 2019

Fiuggi (Italy)

Have a look at our final reportage and join us next time!

You can find the full videos of the panels on our Youtube channel.

Find here and below the final programme with the links to our short video clips.

Wednesday, 10.07.2019: Arrival Day

19-20 Opening [look at the video clip]

Giovanna Capelli, Communist Refoundation Party, Italy
Roberto Morea, transform! europe, Italy
Paolo Ferrero, Vice-President of the EL

20.00 Dinner

21.15 International Guitar Festival (Garden Hotel Universo)

Andrea Vettoretti: “Wonderland” a project inspired by Alice in Wonderland
Roberto Fabbri & Daughters: Famous pop songs arranged for violin and guitar voice

Thursday, 11.07.2019

9.30 Plenary: The crisis of neoliberal globalisation and the destructive tendencies of capitalism today [look at the video clip]
Presentation: Maurizio Acerbo, National Secretary of Communist Refoundation Party, Italy
Speakers: Veronika Sušová Salminen, transform! europe, Czechia and Finland
Mikael Hertoft, Red Green Alliance, Denmark

12.30 Lunch

14.30 Seminars
1. The transformation of production and the unifying slogans of workers’ struggles in Europe
Presentation: Christos Tompazos, AKEL, Pancyprian Federation of Labour-PEO, Cyprus
Speakers: Roland Kulke, transform! europe, Germany
Valentina Orazzini, FIOM International policies, Italy

2. Against NATO and the European army: a new international cooperation cooperation
Presentation: Aslı Aydın, ÖDP, Turkey
Speakers: Tommaso Di Francesco, journalist, deputy editor in chief of Il Manifesto, Italy Claudia Haydt, Die Linke, Germany

3. Workshop: EU struggle against Airbnb [look at the video clip]
Tatiana Moutinho (transform! europe), Kenneth Haar (CEO),
Katalin Gennburg (Die Linke, Germany), Stefania Animento (Researcher)

4. Workshop: Tools of communication – Sala Iris Crillon
Simona Maggiorelli (Left, Italy), Angelina Giannopoulou (transform! europe), Gala Kabbaj (Quantité Critique France), Roberto Morea (transform! europe)

17.00 Plenary: The destruction of democracy: the judicialization of politics and the hollowing out of democratic institutions and civil and social rights [look at the video clip]
Presentation: Maite Mola, Vice-President of the EL
Speakers: Miguel Calahorrano, former Minister of Energy, Ecuador
Monica di Sisto, journalist STOP TTIP STOP CETA, Italy

20.00 Dinner

21.00 Movie: “La memoria del Condor by Emanuela Tomassetti, presented by the director (IT)

Friday, 12.07.2019

9.30 Plenary: 8th of March, World Feminist Strike  [look at the video clip]
Presentation: Angelina Giannopoulou, transform! europe, Greece
Speakers: Eleonora Cirant, La Sinistra, Italy
Isabel Burbano PCE/IU, Spain

11.00 Plenary: The Care Revolution: care work and the precariousness of women
Presentation:  Gitte Pederden, RGA, Denmark)
Speakers: Sophia Hocini, French Communist Party
Nika Kovac (8th March Institute, Slovenia)

12.30 Lunch

14.30 Seminars
1. Policies of the European Union on environment and the proposals of the left in the face of climate change and the role of new actors: trade unions, youth and citizen movements [look at the video clip]
Presentation: Felicity Dowling, Left Unity, UK
Speakers: Manuela Kropp, Die Linke, policy advisor in GUE/NGL, Germany
Antero Eerola, Left Alliance, Finland
Ale Silvello, Fridays for Future, Green New Deal for Europe
Asbjørn Wahl, Trade-Unionist, Norway –

2. Workshop: Christian/Marxist Dialogue
Rocco D’Ambrosio (Prof. Gregoriana University, Italy) Walter Baier (Coordinator of transform! europe) Paolo Ferrero (Vice President of the EL)

17.00 Plenary: Capitalism is a predatory system – for the planet and on our lives [look at the video clip]
Presentation: Attila Antal, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Speakers: Dagmar Enkelmann, Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, Germany
Eleonora Forenza, Feminist, Communist Refoundation, Italy

20.00 Dinner

21-22 Workshop Theater performance, with texts of Bertolt Brecht and P. P. Pasolini

Saturday, 13.07.2019

9.30 Plenary: The International of right-wing populists, racists, and nationalists  [look at the video clip]
Introduction: Gregor Gysi, President of the EL
Speakers: Saverio Ferrari, President of the Observatory of the new Rights
Inna Shupac, Chair of Moldova Without Nazism, Moldova
Giuseppe Cugnata, transform! europe & Espaces Marx, Italy

12.30 Lunch

14.30 Seminars
1. The New situation in Europe, post-European elections: evaluation and proposals from the Party of the European Left [look at the video clip]
Presentation: Giovanna Capelli, Rifondazione Comunista, Italy
Speakers: Cornelia Hildebrandt, transform! europe, Germany
Attila Vajnai, Workers’ Party of Hungary 2006

2. Violence against women
Presentation: Nika Kovac, 8th March Institute, Slovenia
Speakers: Eleonora Forenza, former GUE/NGL MEP, Italy
Bianca Grafe, University Osnabrück, CEINAV, Germany

3. A strategy to resolve the crisis in the Middle East and Mediterranean region: open ports and a European reception plan
Presentation: Stefano Galieni, Communist Refoundation Party, Italy
Speakers: Nancy Porsia, Journalist expert on Middle East and Northern Africa, Italy
Mar Sabé Dausà, Open Arms (Video)

17.00 Conclusions: Proposals from the European Left  [look at the video clip]
Greetings from Maria Elena Uzzo, Vice-Ambassador of Venezuela
Presentation: Paolo Ferrero, Vice President of the EL
Speakers: Walter Baier, Coordinator of transform! europe
Maite Mola, Vice-President of the EL
Marga Ferre, transform! europe, Spain

20.00 Dinner

22.00 Super evening

Sunday, 14.07.2019: Departure Day

– Departures from Fiuggi to Rome by bus – Stop at Termini – Drop the luggage City tour of Rome – free departure.

5h30 BUS 1 (Only Termini)
9h BUS 2 (Only Termini)
10h30 BUS 3 (Termini + Flaminio and City tour at 1pm)

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