Visiones Compartidas 2023

La declaración conjunta en español puede descargarse a continuación
The São Paulo Forum and the Party of the European Left hosted the 8th joint seminar “Shared Visions”, dedicated to “Climate and migration crisis: the proposals of the left”, as a common ground for action in both continents.
This historical phase is marked by the crisis of availability of several resources on which the capitalist and neoliberal system has been strengthened for decades (oil as a paradigmatic resource of the current social organization), and others that are essential for life (water is the clearest example). The origin of this crisis lies in the consumption of resources far beyond the regenerative capacity of the planet, which destroys ecosystems and generates violent processes of dispossession of livelihoods, putting at risk the very foundations of our societies.
Seventy-two years have passed since the elaboration of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (1951), which established the status of refugees, their rights and the obligation for the States to protect them. Migration has always been a multi-causal phenomenon. However, climate change and “natural” disasters, the plundering of resources, and environmental pollution are also some of the causes behind forced displacement and environmental migration today.
The seminar concluded with a final declaration, which you will find below.