
2024 EU Elections – ELYN Contribution to EL strategy

The EL Youth Network (ELYN), in view of the next EU Elections in 2024, puts forward some proposals, grouped into the following topics:

  • Right to education
  • Social rights and welfare
  • Safety and repression

right to education

Stopping the privatisation of higher education and research institutes; abolition of tuition fees (including for the non-European students); tackling precariousness of students and employees in academic sector; making students independent from parents’ income, adopting welfare measures; implementation of anti-discrimination measures (numbers instead of names on exams, workshops for staff etc.); schooling and workshops for teachers and professors regarding the gender binary and possible diverse gender identities; regulating the system for assigning scholarships at European level in order to make the university accessible to all; recognize the status of PhD students and researchers as workers in all EU countries; abolition of admission tests, especially in life-sustaining fields such as medicine, care work, for midwives, psychology, etc; prevent the use of spaces in public schools and universities by organizations that refer to fascism and national socialism; anti-violence workshops in schools, especially for boys, in order to contrast femicide.

safety and repression:

Fighting systemic racism and police violence; rigorous protection of all marginalized groups, such as Sinti & Roma; creation of European programs to allow refugees to reach Europe in complete safety.

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