Feminist policies

A Feminist Agenda for a Feminist Europe

The Party of the European Left believes that a feminist political position is fundamental to imagining and creating a Europe based on peace, self-determination, freedom and equality.

We believe that feminist power is a constitutive force for new European institutions. We fight for a European constitution and a new idea of citizenship based not on borders, the market and discrimination, but on freedom, equality and self-determination of peoples: for a Europe free of capitalism, patriarchy and war.


The European area is in danger of being redrawn by the ongoing war in Ukraine. A war that, apart from causing death and devastation, is in danger of finally wiping out the remaining possibilities of a “political Europe”. We want Europe to be a player for peace, a mediator in a multipolar world, instead of relegating the European area to a subordinate role to NATO’s militarism and its expansionism. War and militarism are also the product and poisoned fruit of patriarchal violence. As a feminist political force, we want ‘war out of history’ and fight for a Europe that rejects war as a means of resolving international disputes.

As a European feminist party, we are the driving force for a different Europe, an alternative to the one represented by the militarist forces. The logic of war, which really pervades Europe, benefits those governments, such as the Polish and Italian governments, which are both the most warmongering and the main opponents of women’s self-determination and freedom. We want to counter the danger that the most conservative forces in the European Parliament will be strengthened by the winds of war. As a feminist force, we fight against the idea of a Europe of nations as well as against European nationalism and supremacism.

Migrant women are often rejected by Fortress Europe, and left to die in the Mediterranean or along the Balkan route. Gender discrimination makes migrant women vulnerable both in the country of departure and in the country of arrival, due to the gender gap in employment, the risk of becoming victims of abuse or trafficking, and the lack of a gender approach in EU asylum and immigration policies.

We therefore propose:

– Undoing the international division of labour

– European observatory analysing the impact of wars on women.

– Feminists as part of the negotiating tables for the resolution of military conflicts.

Implementation and full enforcement of the European Parliament resolution on the rise of neo-fascist violence in Europe.

– A migration pact and asylum policy with a gender perspective to build an alternative to Fortress Europe.

Strengthening anti-fascist policies and legislation, combating hate speech, xenophobia, racism and discrimination in all its forms.

In 2023, the European Union finally acceded to the Istanbul Convention, the most comprehensive international human rights treaty to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence.
The Convention is a fundamental instrument for preventing and combating violence against women in all its forms. It requires data collection, prevention and a gender perspective in many areas, from education to asylum and reception policies.

While all Member States (MS) have signed the Convention, challenges remain in relation to its ratification in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Slovakia. In 2020, Eurostat recorded 788 female victims of homicide by a family member or intimate partner in the 17 EU Member States that provide the data.

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) will conduct a survey on violence against women (VAW II) in eight EU Member States (CZ, DE, IE, CY, LU, HU, RO, SE), which will complement the Eurostat-led data collection on gender-based violence and other forms of interpersonal violence (EU-GBV) in the remaining countries.

The use of a common methodology will ensure the availability of comparable data across all EU Member States. The data collection will be completed in 2023 and the results will be used to update the violence domain in the Gender Equality Index 2024 and its thematic focus on violence against women.

  • Monitoring of the Istanbul Convention, its full implementation at the EU and MS level and its ratification by all Member States, as repeatedly requested by the European Parliament and the FEMM and LIBE Committees.
  • A comprehensive EU policy framework to eliminate all violence against women: strengthening the legal framework to combat gender-based violence, ensuring full implementation of the forthcoming EU Directive on gender-based violence at Member State level; legal provisions on feminicide, such as legal recognition of the term “feminicide” in the EU and in the MS; a common definition of rape in the EU and in all MS, based on the absence of consent (in some MS the use of force or threat is required).
  • Support for women and LGBTQIA+ survivors of gender-based violence by providing funding for the establishment and maintenance of specialised shelters, training for professionals involved in reception activities, counselling services and helplines for survivors of all genders.
  • A comprehensive policy framework for gender education to help eradicate patriarchal culture and implement educational programmes in schools (for students, teachers and technical staff) and communities to promote healthy relationships, consent and gender equality, with a focus on tackling harmful gender stereotypes and promoting gender studies at all levels.
  • Invest in training on gender stereotypes and unconscious bias.
  • Recognise and address the interconnected nature of different forms of oppression, such as sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia; promote intercultural dialogue, tolerance and solidarity among diverse communities.
  • Promote cooperation and solidarity between social justice movements, recognising that progress in one area is linked to progress in others.
  • Strengthen the voices of marginalised communities and ensure their representation in decision-making processes at all levels.
  • Care for victims of trafficking: Require all EU countries to respect the Palermo Protocol (2000) on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings from a human rights and gender perspective. Victims should not be punished for crimes they have been forced to commit, nor should they be repatriated without prior reparation or against their will.
  • Oppose any sectarian violence against women, children, secularism and freedoms, as well as its patriarchal and anti-equality regressive policies.

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