7th Congress – Vienna 2022

From December 9th to 11th the Party of the European Left (EL) held its 7th Congress in Vienna, Austria. It welcomed over 350 participants from over 40 parties from all around Europe as well as international guests from overseas.

The motto of the Congress is “Peace, Bread and Roses”: Peace, for our commitment to peace and disarmament; Bread, as we fight for decent living conditions; and Roses, for our fights against discriminations and for a good life for all. It sums up our main objective for the next few years: the creation of a social, ecological, democratic and peaceful world.

This weekend of constructive debates and decision-making, in 4 sessions, had plenty of topics on its agenda as well as decisions to take:

  • Discuss and adopt a political document, marking its main political axes for the next 3-year cycle
  • (Re-)Elect its leadership
  • Propose, discuss, and adopt motions on many fields and topics of European as well as international politics, from the viewpoint of the EL and its members
  • Hold an evaluation of its functioning in the past three years and make recommendations to its improvement for the new cycle
  • Invite international guests in order to deepen the internationalist exchange with leftist forces worldwide.

For more information, you can read the documents that have been adopted by clicking on the link at the end of the page.


adopted documents el congress 2022 – en

adopted documents el congress 2022 – fr

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