Walter Baier on the Left Group in the European Parliament

Today a new parliamentary cycle is starting in Europe and we will have a stronger left group the Left in the European Parliament, with more capacity to defend the interests of the working social majority.
Irene Montero  gave and excellent and engaging speech as candidate of the group for the presidency of the European Parliament. She pointed out that “we must defend a Europe of social justice that gives hope to its peoples and to the European working class. We need a future with rights for future generations”.
The fact that we have a comrade as Younous Omarjee in the vice-presidency of the parliament to defend the interests of the working class, social justice, equality, the environment, human rights and a future of dignity for the peoples of Europe, is also very crucial and important.
Tomorrow we face the debate for the presidency of the Commission, against the proposal for more austerity, more privileges for multinationals and less transparency and we have no other choice but to vote against this proposal. Let’s build instead, a sustainable alternative for the peoples of Europe.
Walter Baier, President of the Party of the European Left

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