New European Commission: No good omens

Statement of the President of the party of the European Left, Walter Baier on the new team of commissioners in the European Commission

Ursula von der Leyen’s proposal for the new Commission reflects the significant shift to the right following the European elections.  Raffaelo Fitto is to become the first representative of the radical right to head the EU Commission as Vice-President and Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform. Cordon sanitaire was yesterday. Integration of the radical right is today. The nomination of a NATO hardliner as Commissioner for Foreign and Security Policy and a Commissioner for Defence sets the course for the militarisation of the EU.

It was already clear during the election campaign and on election day that Ursula von der Leyen would propose a Commission that prioritises big money and profits over people’s interests in good, secure jobs and a socially just transition to an ecological society. However, the extent to which this is reflected in the proposal for the new EU Commission is surprising.

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