In support of Greek Art Workers in their struggle for dignity!

Artist workers in greece

Two months after the start of their mobilizations, artists and students of art schools in Greece insist on fighting for their self-evident rights, having the broad majority of Greek society by their side.

With successive and massive rallies, occupations of Art schools (including the National Theater and the State Theater of Northern Greece Drama Schools, as well as the State School of Dance) and National theatres, strikes, resignations of the state theater schools teaching personnel and continuous interventions, the artists are fighting against the decision of the rightwing Greek government of New Democracy by which long and demanding artistic studies are essentially cancelled, since their degrees are equated to high school diplomas.

This decision creates not only significant problems in the professional life and already extremely low wages of the artists, but it also prevents the continuation of their studies at postgraduate level in Greece and the recognition of studies at any level, even at the most recognized Art Schools internationally.

Being treated by the Greek government as unskilled workers, at a time when their request for an even greater and substantial upgrade of artistic studies with public funding remains unfulfilled, is a strike against the dignity of Art Workers. Especially, considering the important role of art, in any form, as a contribution to people’s mental health during the pandemic, or the catalytic participation of the artist community in the creation and development of the #metoo movement.

The Party of the European Left expresses its full-hearted solidarity with the struggle of the Greek Art Workers, supports their struggles. The EL calls on the Greek government to cancel the controversial Presidential Decree and to immediately start a constructive dialogue with their trade unions, in order to end the discredit of Greek Art Workers and sincerely affirm recognition of their important contribution to society and modern culture.

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